FireCut AI

FireCut AI

FireCut AI

91% Match

91% Match

91% Match




1m 47s

1m 47s

1m 47s




Runner Up, Best Product Demo. Ali brings his YouTube chops to the product demo world and he cuts through the competition like a hot knife through butter.

Runner Up, Best Product Demo. Ali brings his YouTube chops to the product demo world and he cuts through the competition like a hot knife through butter.

Runner Up, Best Product Demo. Ali brings his YouTube chops to the product demo world and he cuts through the competition like a hot knife through butter.

Ali Abdaal is a productivity guru with a whopping 5 million subscribers on YouTube. His videos have an unmistakable style — often mimicked by other YouTubers.

In this video, Ali is launching his productivity-focussed video editing app, FireCut AI. The demo is in Ali’s trademark style with a casual setting, cute illustrations, floaty annotations, and really fast talking.

Ali’s YouTube channel is full of textbook examples of how to make talking head videos really engaging. There’s constant movement and shot changes that hold our attention.

The FireCut launch demo is no exception. It’s fast-paced, makes great use of text and graphics, and is full of nice visuals — check the side-by-side layout with the neon border and moving background at 44 seconds.

When Britain’s biggest YouTuber makes a product demo what did you think was gunna happen. Ali and this fire cut get the silver medal for Best Product Demo of 2023.



Ali Abdaal

Ali Abdaal





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